Technical Difficulties on the City’s Website

We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with some links on the City’s website ( that we are working diligently to correct.  Therefore, if you anything in the meantime and are unable to get to that link, please feel free to call City Hall at 952-448-5353.  Thank you for your patience as we resolve this issue.

Herald reports

Sept. 7, 1876: The saloon keepers of this village were in council last Monday evening, and resolved to resist the payment of the $100 city license. They say they are willing to pay a reasonable license and no more.

Where the heck it was

The correct answer to last week’s quiz was the book sculpture on the south side of the SouthWest Metro Intermediate District 288 “401 Building” at 401 Fourth Street East, Chaska.

No old and bold mushroom hunters

Late summer and early fall is the best time for mushrooms. For the past couple of weeks I’ve been out and about searching high and low for all sorts of mushrooms. I find peace in the simple act of walking…