City of Carver 2019 Street & Utility Improvements – Work on Sunny Ridge Drive

Construction Update – September 27, 2019

Weather permitting, topsoil placement and grading work behind the curb will occur on Sunny Ridge Drive next week. Driveway access on Sunny Ridge Drive is anticipated to be restored by the end of the day on Monday.

In addition, mailboxes on Elm Drive, Kirche Hill Drive, and Diedrich Drive are anticipated to be placed by the end of next week.

For more details about the project or to sign up for project updates, please visit the project page at:  2019 Street Improvement Project.

Any further questions, please contact:  [email protected]

Survey Crews on Jonathan Carver Parkway

Carver County and the City of Carver are beginning to make plans for a four lane improvement to Jonathan Carver Parkway in 2021. In the coming weeks you may notice survey crews in and around the JCP corridor collecting data for planning documents. Stay tuned for more information on this project in the months ahead!

Water Tower Maintenance Taking Place This Week

Routine maintenance of the City’s elevated water towers is being performed this week.  This routine maintenance includes interior structural inspections as well as the cleaning of any sediments that may have accumulated in the bottom of the water towers.  Inspections and maintenance are conducted every 4-5 years to help with any water color or sediment issues.  Residents should not experience any changes to their water quality during this time.


Construction Work Taking Place on Main Street East and Oak Street North

Construction Update:

Weather permitting, work on the 2018 Storm Sewer Improvement Project is resuming today, Wednesday, September 25. Work will be taking place in the Main Street East and Oak Street North vicinity.

Traffic Impacts

During construction, minimal traffic impacts will occur. Spot lane or road closures may occur in specific areas as needed.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:

Michael Jabs
Primary Contact
[email protected]

Josh Eckstein
Project Manager
[email protected]

Notice: Lylewood Parkway to be Closed This Week

Traffic Alerts
Lylewood Parkway will be closed for approximately 4 days to complete scheduled street work. This localized closure will be north of the intersection of 6th Street and Lylewood Parkway. This closure will take place during the week of September 16th beginning Monday (9/16). Local access to property owners on Sunny Ridge Drive will be maintained. Please see below for an alternate route.

Grading and Street Excavation Continues for the 2019 Street and Utility Improvements Project

Anticipated work for next week for the 2019 Street and Utility Improvements Project includes:

Elm Drive: restoration grading is scheduled to occur towards the end of next week, weather permitting.

Diedrich Drive & Kirche Hill Drive: restoration grading is anticipated to occur towards the end of next week, weather permitting.

Sunny Ridge Drive & Lylewood Parkway: street excavation is scheduled to continue throughout next week.


For more details about the project or to sign up for project updates, please visit the project page at:  2019 Street Improvement Project.

Any further questions, please contact:

Rake Up…Pick UP…

Join others in the nation’s largest Adopt a Drain program.

Adopt a Drain
Adopt a drain is a program that invites residents to adopt a storm drain and commit to keeping it clear of leaves, trash and other debris. Keeping storm drains clean prevents pollution in our lakes and creeks.
Learn more by clicking HERE.
If there are any questions, please contact [email protected]