Honoring the fallen

Memorial Day events held at three Chanhassen cemeteries — Leach, Pioneer and St. Hubert Catholic — were followed by a community gathering at City Center Park.

Polars Football Announces 2023 Schedule


St. Bonifacius, MN – Polars Athletics has released its 2023 football schedule for the upcoming fall. They are ready to come back stronger than ever with a large recruiting class and seasoned players from the previous season.

Letter: Fossil fuels make civilization possible

Just an observation: if the opinions expressed concerning the May 11 letter to the editor, “Our addiction to fossil fuels,” is indicative of the current state of critical thinking that is taught in our educational systems, then the world is…

Commentary: Moms make great Rotarians

The Chaska Rotary Club’s motto this month is “Rotary Leads the Way in May.” I find the month of May to be special for many reasons, among them is that May officially recognizes National Children’s Mental Health Awareness and Childcare…

Commentary: Remembering dad on Memorial Day

Prior to my mom’s passing some years ago, she gave me a cardboard box that was filled with my dad’s military memorabilia that she had kept from his time fighting in North Africa and Italy in World War II. Though…