Construction Update: Storm Water Piping and Pump Station Work

Project Overview

The City of Carver is making improvements to the storm water systems along Jonathan Carver Parkway (Area 1) and along Main Street to Riverside Park (Area 2).

Area 1

New storm sewer pipe will be installed along Jonathan Carver Parkway connecting two existing storm sewer systems. This connection is being constructed to accommodate the new development being built to the west of Jonathan Carver Parkway. Construction is anticipated to begin in December 2018 and will be completed in spring of 2019.

Area 2

Downtown area improvements will include making connections to existing mains along Main Street (near Riverside Park) and replacing an existing lift station at the entrance of Riverside Park. These improvements will help increase efficiency of the system during large rain events.

Traffic Impacts

During construction, minimal traffic impacts will occur. Short term spot lane or road closures may occur in specific areas as needed. Access to adjacent properties will be maintained to the extent practical and specific arrangements will be made for any short-term closures needed.


Michael Jabs

Primary Contact


[email protected]

Josh Eckstein

Project Manager


[email protected]