Protect People from the Hazard

Many times, flooding along the Minnesota River can be predicted up to a week in advance, giving ample warning to prepare for a potential flood event.  However, in the event of localized flooding due to a large rain event, plugged storm sewer drain, and storm ponds overflowing, the following tips will help protect you and your family in either type of flooding event:

  • Reduce the risk of damage from flooding by elevating critical utilities, such as electrical panels, switches, sockets, wiring, appliances, and heating systems.
  • In areas with repetitive flooding, consider elevating the entire structure.
  • Make sure basements are waterproofed and your sump pump is working.  Then, install a battery-operated backup in case of power failure.
  • Installing a water alarm will also let you know if water is accumulating in your basement.
  • Clear debris from gutters and downspouts.
  • Anchor any fuel tanks.
  • Move furniture, valuables, and important documents to a safe place.
  • Store copies of irreplaceable documents (such as birth certificates, passports, etc.) in a safe, dry place.  Keep originals in a safe deposit box.
  • Build an emergency supply kit:  Food, bottled water, first aid supplies, medicines, and a battery-operated radio should be ready to go when you need them.  Visit for a complete disaster supply checklist.
  • Plan and practice a flood evacuation route.  Ask someone out of state to be your “family contact” in an emergency, and make sure everyone knows the contact’s address and phone number.
  • Make a pet plan.  Many shelters do not allow pets.  Make plans now on what to do with your pets if you are required to evacuate your residence.

For more information regarding flooding information and the National Flood Insurance Program, visit or