Commentary: It’s time to fix the Met Council

With 4,200 employees and an $890 million annual operating budget, the Metropolitan Council is the fourth-largest government in Minnesota delivering essential public services to the state’s most populous region. Among these services are: highways, mass transit, sewers, water and parks.…

But by all means, keep moving (copy)

The 7th Annual MLK Day Human Rights Celebration opened with Chaska High School Speech Team members Fatoumata Sanneh and Samsam Hassan reciting an excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther King Junior’s speech, “Keep Moving from this Mountain.”

But by all means, keep moving

The 7th Annual MLK Day Human Rights Celebration opened with Chaska High School Speech Team members Fatoumata Sanneh and Samsam Hassan reciting an excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther King Junior’s speech, “Keep Moving from this Mountain.”