2018 Carver Lions Soggy Bottom Open Snow Golf

Saturday, January 27th, 2018

11:00AM – 2:00PM
Riverside Park, Carver MN

Bring one golf club, hockey stick, or whatever else you would like to hit a tennis ball with. Food and beverages will be available for purchase at the park. Ages 12+. Under 18 years of age requires parent/guardian supervision. Heated tent & bonfire, music & door prizes!

Registration Fee: $20.00/person. Proceeds go the Carver Area Community! A Soggy Bottom signature stocking cap is included with your registration fee.

Buy Your Tickets Now

Minnesota lost a nice-ness contest

“Minnesota nice” is a phrase that’s bandied around a lot, but rarely with some concrete math behind it. Well, WalletHub just released a report on which city in the United States was the most caring city in 2017, all the better to see if Minnesota can put its money where its mouth is.