Protect Your Property From Flooding Hazards

Create a personal flood file containing information about your possessions and keep it in a secure place, such as a safe deposit box or waterproof container.   Include in the file:

  • A copy of your homeowner’s insurance policy and the agent’s contact information;
  • House inventory – Written and visual inventory (either videotape or photograph).  Record all major household items and valuables on all levels within the home, including the attic and the garage.  Have jewelry and art appraised, and include serial numbers and copies of receipts.  These documents are critically important when filing insurance claims.

Prepare your house:

  • Make sure your sump pump is working properly.  Install a battery backup sump pump, in case of a power outage.
  • Install gutters and clear debris from the gutters and downspouts.
  • Move furniture and important documents to a safe place.
  • Place furnace, water heater, washer, and dryer on cement blocks 12” above the floor.
  • Landscape the yard so water drains away from the structure.

Being prepared for a flood and having a plan in place before the event occurs can greatly reduce the chance of property damage.   Contact City Hall at 952-448-5353, or visit, for more information.