Site Updates

Greetings, fellow citizens of Carver. I’ve spent some time updating the site today.

Now days, I haven’t had as much time to spend here as I used to, and as a result I sometimes get behind on posting things, or on cleaning up spam. Lately, I’ve noticed the site filling up with celebrity gossip and national and international news. I’m sorry about that. I’ve cleaned up some of it, and I made some changes that will hopefully stop it.

Also, I fixed twitter integration! Follow Carver Current on twitter @!

This site was started 8 years, 4 kids, and 3 jobs ago. It’s a labor of love, but I have a long time before I’ve caught up with Ricki who’s been writing Villager Tower since 1983! I won’t embarrass Ricki by mentioning my age in 1983 (hey, I _was_ alive at least)…

Hope all is well. I can be found at [email protected] if you have any questions or comments.